

Corn Maze

For a Ward activity we went to the {Corn Maze}
and yes it was in the shape of David Archuleta's face he he he

Me, Cassie, Emily, Becca

we made it through!
[only in utah would they use scriptural references to help you
find the way out of the maze.]

{me and creepy craig hiding in the stalks aka stalkers!}

it was really fun. there was the corn maze obviously, and other activities.
there was a giant room full of corn kernals that i desperately wanted to play in
but i didn't.

there was this cool slide.
and a way {sweet} jumpy thing.
pretty sure i got a headache from the bouncing
but so worth it.

peeps in the ward on the bridge overlooking
archie's head.

yay we are party animals
woot woot
it was nice to get out and do something
get a break from school and homework
yay fall!!! it is so pretty here with all the leaves changing colors
and the crisp air.
Campus is beautiful! The mountain is red and orange which makes the white Y stand
out. Its getting cold again so its definitly time for some shopping!

the end.


Rob and Mary...Our Life said...

Don't you just love the fall in Utah? I've never done a corn maze but it looks like you had a great time. I'm excited to see you again.

Brooke said...

fun fun I want to go! let's go to a haunted house, I'll protect you

Anonymous said...

You have way too much fun! Can I come and live with you? I love the corn maze!

melvin said...

Fun! I love corn mazes! I miss you!

Jill said...

Keep up having lots of fun. It will be the time of your life. Love you lots and miss your fun personality.

sweetieabbott said...

hahaha, I completely forgot about the scriptural references at some of the corn mazes.