


The other night I was getting ready for bed after Craig had gone to sleep. I had seen the preview for the new paranormal activity movie earlier that day that had a clip of bloody mary. My imagination tends to run wild. Since Craig was already asleep I needed to turn off the lights in the bathroom and run for dear life to our bedroom and get under the covers before anyone or anything could catch me.

I lunge for the bed {heart pounding} and land right on a sleeping Craig. Needless to say I woke him up and he wasn't very happy. But at least I got to bed safe and sound. He ended up being awake until around 1:30 because of my shenanigans. Oops. And tonight I convinced him to watch The Others with me. I have a feeling he's going to have to watch me brush my teeth and tuck me into bed tonight, just in case. 


natalli said...

I won't even watch PREVIEWS for scary movies anymore, because my imagination is so crazy. And when we had a bigger apartment in houston, I would make Jacob check every room, closet, and cranny before we could go to sleep.
Glad I'm not the only one...and that our husbands haven't left us yet.

Anonymous said...

Ha Ha- Exactly why I DON'T watch scary movies. Hubby was telling me today that he wanted to go visit Haunted Houses. Fine by me but we have to do it on a week he works dayshift. Otherwise, I won't get any sleep all week long LOL!!!

hey aster photography said...

I know exactly what you mean. When that airs while I am watching TV I will run, jump, lunge, crawl really quickly over someone just to turn the channel. ;) I feel like a kid but I have the wild imagination as do you when it comes to these images burning themselves into my memory bank...
scary thing too, I used to do 'bloody mary' when I was young... creepy.
BTW, Adorable blog!!