

Moving Day

everybody I've moved...
to the other side of my building :o

Moving was insane.
Lots of crap and no place to go.
My apartment complex made a mistake so i am living
out of 2 apartments right now.
{so fun}

as you can see I have the lesser amount of us 3
and am more organized lol
{i said that just to strike a nerve with some certain roommates :)}

ah a tornado has hit!!!

oh wait its just becca and cassie

its hard to find good mattresses so we
made a little switch

but it was just a little tricky getting them to the other side

i really like the new place
i am currently sleeping with cassie or on the floor.
I can't wait for the weekend when I can actually move in all the way!


Parkerdonat said...
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Parkerdonat said...

Hilarious Kels. Now, did you steal those matrices or did you just borrow them?