

To get me through the day

These are my 2 favorite guilty pleasures when i want some good
junk food from
the good ol vending machines!

Seriously, these chips will change your life!
An earthquake of flavor in your mouth of every flavor of chip in one.

This sucker is a soft delectable cookie with a chocolate bottom.
its like a billion calories but SO worth it.
Yay guilty pleasures!


laurakrummenacher said...

Kelsey! Don't you know we're all on diets??? Oh, the days of not worrying about what I ate...
They look amazing though!

The Williamson's said...

Oh my gosh!!! Do not tempt!! That looks so good!

Kristen said...

I have never heard of these thing! You need to bring them to the family reunion to see if your opinion is accurate!

Jenaye said...

Ok, that cookie will seriously be on my mind all day. That totally reminds me of those chocolate-chip cookies from the Bread Basket that had the brownie inside for some reason! haha. If I ever do find an apartment like that, you will be the first girl I call to move in! :) Miss you!

Brooke said...

I remember the day I first introduced you to the earthquake potatoe chips...yes they changed our lives