

Lady and the Spidey

Ok so we know how obsessed I am with my spidey blankie... Well aunt mary went to az a couple weekends ago and brought back my spidey!! I was so happy I jumped up and down and couldn't wipe the smile from my face... pathetic slightly but hey. Anyway the fam back at home were sad to see it go cuz no joke the most comfy blanket EVER! But now I wanted show we have a new lover of spidey. Lady comes in my room and lays on it all day... so cute. Ah spidey so good to have you back :)


Well I must say it is a shock from going from a house full of girls to a house full of boys! Lyndsie has been my saving grace and my best friend while I've been here!!! I don't know what I would do without her! I miss my girls back home but she helps ease the pain ha ha. I love you lyndsie thanks for hanging with me and sitting in my room while we have our lovely chats!

March Update

So my laptop has been broked for the past month but now I have a new cord and therefore I can update Yay!! Well I turned 20 on March 8th and it was a good day. Do I look older? Flowers galore and I LOVed it:)
I've been really homesick but I go home on saturday for a week... Hooray! I also found out I got accepted to BYU for fall semester!!! THat was a relief to finally find out. So i guess I'll be in utah for awhile. Its been so cold, it snowed this morning but it always melts by miday. So I am so ready for AZ I'll be in the heat and the pool EVERYday that week!!!