

Made in 1988

Girl's Night {plus Mickey}
Area 51
Salt Lake City. Hollah!

I went to my first bar. I'm in college. It's bound to happen.
{I ordered water}
Brooke used a fake ID to get in

It is right by a homeless shelter so
we like to live on the edge/
felt scared for our lives.

This is at the close of our evening of dancing.
The trick to making sure that boys don't dance up on you is
dance as fast as Lindsey
If that is not possible feel free to look like this.


Change is Here Again

Well once again it is a new year and with the new year comes another new semester in good ol' Provo, Ut.

Today is the third day of school and already I am off to a great start; aka waking up late the first day of school (and I only got up because boyfriend Craig called me). 2nd day I got up and went to my work meeting at 7 am, then worked out with my HLRC BFF Katie, then I tried to figure out my life from 9-9:50 until my first dance class {contemporary} at 10. It was a full morning and so I got on the bus and headed home to get ready for my 1:35 Mass communications class. As I got to the apartment tiredness quickly hit and I decided to take a quick power nap...I woke up at 2:00 :)

Like I said great start.

So It is day number 3 and I am in the HLRC still trying to figure out my schedule. So far I am pursuing a semester of dance it seems as I am signed up for tap, contemporary, and ballet. Hey, I've always wanted to be a dancer, maybe some unknown talent of mine will kick in and I will be a graceful dancer...{maybe}

I am a senior in college, How did that happen? I will be 22 in 2 months, how did that happen? I have no idea what I want my career to be, I know how that happened. I am a very indecisive person. Take grocery shopping for instance. Last night I was at Buy Low with Craig and we were in front of the jam section for about ten minutes, while I was trying to figure out if I wanted grape, strawberry, or raspberry jam.

"I want grape, definetly don't want strawberry... well maybe I do want that strawberry, no, no I don't, oh but grape is on sell, yes I'll take grape... Oh look raspberry!"

Craig- "Take the grape Kelsey"

And so it goes on...

So I am about to head off to try and add another class, hope they let me in. Wish me luck! Maybe I'll figure out my life during my 12-1 o'clock class...{maybe}
