We had an amazing Christmas. We spent it with Craig’s family in Iowa and although it was strange to not be with my family and I missed them a lot, we enjoyed time with the Pearson clan. It helped that they spoiled us rotten.

{Genevieve searching for Santa}

{Decorating the Tree} My mother-in-law had the cutest idea of decorating the tree with the kids old toys.

Christmas eve Craig made yummy Café Rio style pork for dinner. The Pearson’s have the tradition of sitting around the lit tree and sing Christmas carols together. Then we had dobosh torte for dessert, another family tradition. (I wasn’t very good at taking very many pictures, we were having too much fun.) Christmas day we woke up bright and early and opened our stockings. I had the first Christmas miracle of the day, when to my great surprise, Muppet Christmas Carol was there.
After we ate a delicious breakfast, we got ready to attend church. I liked spreading the day out so the Christmas cheer could last all day, although I was getting antsy to open presents by the end of sacrament meeting.
Everyone loved their gifts, and Craig’s tablet finally got here today so he is one happy boy. Later that night we ate a delicious roast beef with the Elders and watched Muppet Christmas Carol.
A big thank you to Mom and Dad Pearson for making this a great Christmas.

Now, here’s looking forward to a fantastic new year.